Heard to copy Beauty and the Beast....got a way to work around..........
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Damned-Virus-Data Miner providers
2010-12-18 05:51:20 UTC
Hello all,
Since it has een menioned before the locks that there is a DC.exe
that is running with windows operating system and there is a protected
file by certain number with the word CD and a seris of aphabet that
indicates Waltz Disney and a hidden dotted file by the name of DC that
is in the system.....there are two work around methods to make it
copyable based on the law that allow user to make archival backups
rule. One of this method is to make a program to run background as to
trick the DC.exe into thinking that it is using the dotted directory
DC which could enhance the copy protection to deter copying out by any
DVD rippers etc. The other methos is to crack the one file that is in
one of the windows directory that contains alphanumeric characters
that indicates Waltz Disney. The way of doinfd this is to route the
program code in this file to skip the program to such an extend that
the program will skip reading and searching the directory for the
dotted protected directory and DC.exe will go back to normal operation
to allow DVD rippers to copy out the DVD files by breaking their
normal type of Waltz Disney conventional locks. This method has to
study the machine language and even the hex code of the program in
order to do alteration to the program involved by making crack program
appears in this world to make it work back in normal operation

Man on the Verge 2 with a vegenace
2010-12-18 05:56:27 UTC
Proof that abianchen/Meichi/report2009 is not "a guy from Taiwan",
like she claims, but an ugly Philippino dyke.
Hey Psycho Xangdi (aka Chairman Mao Says), not sure you want to prove
abianchen is your Chinese daddy or Meichi is your Filipino mom or
report2009 is your Chinese grandpa? I am sure abianchen has no problem
being your Chinese dad since he is your mom's best client. Who knows,
maybe abianchen is your bio daddy, want to test DNA?
Unable to refute the overwhelming evidence proving that shit face 狗屎
Meichi/Dabianchen/report2009 is an ugly Philippino lesbian
pathological liar, she reverts to her moron mode of childish taunts
against Xangdi's parents, going as far as to present herself as
"Xangdi's father"! This sort of writing can only come from a demented
person with no self-respect and certainly no morals.

Proof that abianchen/Meichi/report2009 is not "a guy from Taiwan",
an ugly Philippino dyke:

Proof that abianchen/Meichi/report2009 can't read/write Chinese other
than cutting-and-pasting from the internet:

Proof that abianchen/Meichi/report2009 is a pathological liar:

Proof that abianchen/Meichi/report2009 makes persitent childish and
girlish claims:

Proof that abianchen/Meichi/report2009 is a loser:

Proof that abianchen/Meichi/report2009 is childish and repetitive: